Back to Basics

Every year when baseball season begins my son’s coaches focus on fundamentals: basic skills in fielding, batting, pitching, base-running, and other baseball essentials. Throughout the season, they continue to drill the fundamentals in regular practices.

My kids’ piano teacher emphasizes scales, technique, and regular, disciplined practice. And as a teacher, I encourage daily studying rather than waiting to the last minute to cram for a test.

At least the kids listen to two out of three.

It’s the same in other areas of life: When we practice the fundamentals in daily living, we have a reserve to fall back on when we encounter the “big leagues.” Knowing the basics help us when we encounter the high-pressure moments that threaten to un-do us. Those moments when we don’t have the luxury to think, to ponder, to analyze, to work through a number of scenarios, to brainstorm… when we need an instant response, and we need it to be right. That’s when all the practice pays off.

Luke touched on this principle-He who is faithful in a very little thing is faithful also in much. When we learn to live with integrity when no one’s looking, we’ll make the right choices in different moments on a larger stage. Paying attention to the details that matter to God reaps a benefit beyond the scope of small things.

We learn to live in those “little” moments by sticking to the basics of our faith-trusting and obeying God, saying “no” to wrong choices, sitting quietly in His presence.

Listening for His voice as we read His word. Believing in His goodness. Taking our questions to Him. Giving Him our messes with all the accompanying emotions, fears, and anxieties. Expressing gratitude for Who He is and thanking Him for all He does.

The “little” everyday moments of Christian living.

Getting back to the basics of practicing Christian disciplines on a daily basis prepares us for the bigger moments of life. Figuring out how to struggle well in everyday issues makes it easier to battle in the hard times. If we’ve practiced the basics in low-pressure moments, those fundamentals will carry us in the heat of the game.

1 Comment

  1. Jayme, your words once again proved to be just the wisdom and encouragement I needed to stay the course in my journey today! The WITS entries are shared around our office routinely and they’ve been a blessing to many. Your writing in particular always resonates with me. I was delighted to make the connection through one of your stories about family that you are also the incredible sister that I’ve heard my dear friend J speak so highly of these past several years. May the blessing you are to others be returned to you a thousand-fold!

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